Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa will visit my house on Sunday... I'm so Excited!!!

I called the police department at my city to sign up my kids for free presents from Santa.

when the lady, which was really nice, got all my information down; she then told me that on Sunday the 21st after 9:15am I had to be ready with both of my boys... At that point I had my pencil and paper ready to write down the address and immediately pictured myself making a huge line full of moms with their children waiting for their turn to receive their presents from Santa...

then I heard something about a firetruck in my house... I woke up again and said, "what"? I'm sorry, say that again?

so she said, be ready that after 9:15am Santa will arrive in a Firetruck to your house to deliver the toys personally to your children... I started laughing and screaming... i got so excited.

I know this will be a day they will never forget. I will surely take pictures and videos...

stay tuned!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We had a wonderful thanksgiving with my parents and their friends.
My dad does stuffed turkey, like really stuffed... he literally peals the turkey's skin... cuts the turkey meat into squares. gets pork and cuts it into squares. Makes rice, and mixes all of this (turkey & pork) with peas, and spices... then stuffes the turkey's skin again.
It is DELICIOUS... poor thing looks like an over stuffed frog, but it's always so good, that everyone has to repeat.
We had my mom's famous rice with coke and raisins, a very exotic salad, cookies, pork, wine, oh Gosh... I'm so full, I could stop eating for a whole week. Naaah, I'll probably wake up at 5am hungry as am lately waking up.
Tomorrow, Black Friday, I'm planing to take advantage of Walmart's really good specials for the children's Christmas presents.
a Samsung 10 megapixels digital camera for $69? I need to have it!!! I am so waking up at 4am... so Good night everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving, we do have lots of blessings to be thankful for, despite of the circumstances, I am very thankful for my beautiful children, my friends and family who are always there for me, for the food and the home, and all those beautiful things we have but can't recognize.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Single and pregnant!!

The fighst escalated so bad, that we decided to better stay away before it got worst... for the Children's sake, I better be where I can be in peace, than being crying all the time... especially in my state.
Besides everything that is happening, I'm full of hope and enthusiasm for my new life, my new baby... my children and I deserve it... I am doing all within my hands possible to give us all a better life.
Have a very happy thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Introducing new languages to my children

I just bought a used Aladding dvd in Portuguese... My three year old it's been asking me to play Aladdin for him, since about 3 months ago I brought it from the library for a week.
Back then, we used to make very constant trips to the library, it was right across the street from where we were living.
I decided then to introduce French, and they have wonderful children videos in French, sort of like Baby Einstein videos, but the words they show along with the pictures are in French.
Now I bought this video in Portuguese... he speaks Spanish and half English from the TV he watches regularly.
Some times I think I may confuse him from all these different languages introduction, but i've been doing some research, and they all say the earlier we introduce a foreign language, the easier it will be for them to pick it up and be fluent. There's even cristicism about how the public schools only introduces foreign languages after the age of 7 or even 10 when it's a little late for them to pick it up as quickly and easier.
I then remembered when I learned a third language, Portuguese, and when i speak it, I learned to think in that language... Of course, the older we get, the more we do in translating words instead of thinking in that language.
My mother told me about this program the NASA had with children at 7 years old speaking up to 5 languages. Because of this, more percentage of their brain was developed and therefore, their abilities to think, analyze, do mathematical problems were much more advance. Not that I am pretending for my child to be that advance, but I think it's pretty cool for anyone to manage more than two languages; And research shows that the earlier they are introduced, the better.
One other think I would like them to have a passion for will be music and/or sports... but that I will let them choose once they are 5 or so.
One thing I am not sure about is the way, frenquency, and constancy to do this. What do you think?

Friday, November 07, 2008

baby's first birthday... family time, singing some spanish rhymes with the kids...


coming back

I am so sorry for being away so long... but it's okey I guess not many people are interested in reading my blog... I guess I use this as a stress relief.
Well, life it's going a little better... Still difficult, but somewhat better.
A friend of my husband rented his 3/2 house to us, we are much more comfortable paying basically the same we were paying in the smaller apartment. We also have a temporary roomate, only untill January, but it's helping us tremendously with almost half of the rent.
We are much better as a couple, things are getting along, still have our fights but with much more tolerance for one another... so I guess that part it's better.
My children are adorable, beautiful, intellegent, very active, playful. They now play together most of the time, is so cute to see them running around the house; even though it drives me crazy, the screaming and all, it's pretty nice to see them together like that.
The baby is now 14 months old... he's been walking two weeks prior to turning one. talks about 8 words and understands a whole lot more. Loves to makes us laugh, so whatever it is that he notices I laughed about, he'll repeat it over and over... even if it was biting me :(
he says uh-uh instead of no.... so his answer to everything is uh-uh, and now he is grabing my flipflops, tries to hit his brother's hands with pao pao, it's hilarious but we try not to let him see us. He makes the cutest faces and has a dimple on one side of his cheek which makes his smiles much more adorable. He also has his temper... very defined I shall say; it's what he wants when he wants it or he'll throw a temper tamtrum.
The kid is three years old, very smart, very clever... he knows all his letters and sounds, numbers up to 20 in english & spanish. I am trying to introduce French as well, I did played a couple of french dvd's for children and he loved them, but since we moved I haven't being able to go to the library. I'll try next week... it'll start by locating one.
About myself, I'm still looking for employment. I did take the Florida Certification exam to be a certified educator from preschool to third grade. I needed 200 to pass... got 195. The next exam is on January, so I guess I'll take it again. I also thouht about my mother in law who got a family day care license... is currently taking care of about 8 children @ $125 more or less... it's more than $900 weekly, pretty good... But as much as I like to be in the house, this is very slavery like... I mean I HAVE to be home from 6 or 7am untill 5 or 6pm when they pick up the kids... this Library trips/ walking trips/ or just droping off my children at the grandmothers just to take a breathe won't be happening... so I'm still thinking about what happens. It will be in January when we'll see... I'll take the exam again, and also the room we have rented will be free to make sort of a playroom. I'm not sure, let's see what happens.
Hope to write more often... a lot of interesting things from the past happening, like finding high school friends and high school sweetheart through facebook... very exciting.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Relaxing at the beach

The Kid buried in the sand... did not like it a bit.
The guys... enjoying the beach.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Difficult Times

We are going through a difficult face in our marriage. It seems that the economy does play a major role. Even as I try not to let myself get burried in the worryness and the stress that all of this comes with, it does affect our mood, our stress level, our patience, our intellegence, and the perspective we have for each other.
These are difficult times, I truly hope we can overcome them and get our lives back together, but as the situation continues, it seems that all of our goals, immediate and in the long run are totally different.
Sometimes I think I may be crazy or maybe i'm asking too much, but then I realize that my husband is a very difficult, stuburn and close minded man... or maybe is me.
Right now, I have to get out and be the bread winner, since husband's doors are closing everywhere, since he is not legally able to work yet (and we need four thousand dollars to get his papers straight with the immigration attorney) and second, he is in the electrical/construction business... and in south florida, that business is very slow.
So I've been going out to give out resumes... for some reason this gets me very sentimental, everytime I walk out of an office, I cry.
I have a bachelors in psychology... I tried to get certified in behavior analysis 3 years ago, but failed the test, then got pregnant and decided to stay with the kid. I worked for a year in a school as a co-teacher and seriously considered to get certification to be a teacher... that's in the process. In the meantime, I am a person with a degree but zero experience, so my doors are closing too.
Unless I go back to Administrative assistant (which I worked as i was doing school) but then I think I should be doing something related to my field... the thing is that there is a rent & bills to pay; there is also a lot of stress, fights, tears, and only $10 hourly jobs available.
I told husband my mother offered for us to come and stay at the house for a good 4 to 6 months until we get our lives back together... to save up the money for his attorney, and save up money to get back on our feet... but his response was an absolutely NO. Instead, I should go out and provide for our family the way he has done it for 5 years, at least until he is able to get back on track.
I have no problem on doing that, as long as I can find something quick and good... as long as he can take the time and learn good english... also finish his high schoold diploma and do some technical electrical schooling, so that when he does get his papers straight, he'll have some better chances in life. But he is all about watching tv. The role as a stay home father is phenomenal... I have come back to the house and is impecable clean, delicious meals prepared, very well care children, but then I talk about making sacrifices so that we can be better off tomorrow, and always end up arguing.
"Lord, give me the strength to change what I can, give me the strength to resist what I cannot change and give me the wisdom to understand the difference between the two. "

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Good News... Colombian's Kidnappeds released!!!

Wow, what a relief. 15 people that were kidnapped years ago were released today Wednesday July 2nd.
Ingrid Betancourt (ex-candidate for president), 3 United States citizens, and 11 Colombian soldiers were all within the ones released.
Today is a Historic day among Colombian's and even Internationally.
All of this happens while John McCain is visiting Colombia.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I'm sorry i'm not posting that often, but without internet at home it gets difficult. I think I may go with that Verizon wireless for my laptop.
My Children are great. The kid will be 3 on the 22nd. We still haven't figure out when exactly to make a little get together, like a small pool party sort of. For sure it will be Thomas and Friends themed. He is talking in complete sentences, adding articles and working on his grammar; like the verbs tense. He is even monkier now, and is doing evil things to his little brother. He has earned a lot of times out because of that. But continues sweet and smart. Still loves his Thomas, I'm glad the videos come in both languages so he can watch them in Spanish. Oh, he is speaking a lot of english, I guess from the TV he watches (only about one hour a day). It's easier for him to say things in English, even though I only speak spanish to him. So i'm trying to put spanish videos and reading stories in spanish as well. He is liking reading a lot more than he used to. He knows all the alphabet letters and their sounds, Animals sounds, Numbers up to 20, shapes, and colors, both in English and spanish (mostly english)
I am also planing to put the usual Disney movies he watches in another language. I'm not sure which one yet... but I was thinkin either French or Italian. I think French is easier since most of those movies come in those three languages (English as Default, or if you choose Spanish or French). This way he'll have a third language in his vocabulary. I will make my best to learn the language as well, so that we can practice... that will be pretty cool.
The baby will be 10 months old on the 22nd. He is chubby, about 25 pounds now. He crawls and keeps smiling all the time. has five teeth in total. He is a lot slower on his body abilities but he is doing really good. I don't know how good is it to compare them, but I still do. At this age, the Kid was already walking. The baby started crawling a couple of weeks ago. He is also learning to move his hands with the rythm and lyrics to a couple of songs I sing to them constantly.
I promise to post a Video of them singing and giggling.
About Husband's father. Well the reunion at their house was really good. We got to meet his wife's family, they did a barbecue and a dinner for us and told us how happy they were that the family had expanded and to consider them as family too.
Two weeks after, my father in law planned a quick trip to NY to meet with his other son (Husband's brother), so husband when along. He was really happy because they got to spend time alone together... Imagine they drove up from Jacksonville to NY all by themselves about 12 to 14 hours back and forward. And they spent about 3 days over there with found son # 2. They said it was great.
My father in law is very very nice, he is sweet, smart, funny, well...I see in him the man I would like my husband to become (I hope that happens soon though). My suegra (father's wife) told me that he used to be the way Husband is right now... with a temper problem, but it has gotten better with time, patience, and a lot of work from her part. I just don't know how much of that patience i have left. We have had our marriage hanging from a hair string. But somehow try to make it work, I just know that this marriage thing is difficult... it's being 4 and half years now.
I will post pictures of the Kid's 3rd Birthday... c ya soon!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A father has returned

Well, I know i haven't post in the longest time, but here i am.

What to tell... My kids are wonderful, big and healthy... although they were pretty sick two weeks ago for about a week. They had some type of virus, they both had diarrhea and vomiting everything they ate... thankfully they never stopped eating.

Last week i had a retreat, it was a truly wonderful experience. It truly helps us get in touch with our savior. I am emotionally touched and extremely happy!!!

My aunts leave this coming Sunday. They were really happy and liked south Florida a lot. Hopefully they come back soon.

One thing is happening to my husband's life that it's really beautiful and amazing. His father left them when they were both 8 and 10 yrs old. Now the guy has re-appeared. We were all filled with mixed emotions about him, but when he finally contacted Hubby he told him in a very nervous voice how happy excited he was when he knew about them. First to contact hubby was his 5 years younger brother. He told us how happy he was to find out he had two brothers, he always dreamed of and drove 5 hours to meet us. Immediately 15 year old sister starts calling Hubby... talking in the sweetiest voice that you can hear the emotion and happiness in her voice. She told him repeatedly how she couldn't wait to meet and hug his new brother, me and her new nephews. So far sounds nice... so he decided to talk to his father, and they came this past weekend.
He got marry inmediately after leaving his past family, and started a new life... got new kids and all. When he decided to go back to visit his kids, they all have moved out of the country and had come to live in NY. He too was living in NY. He told us how every year in the Colombian Independence party they walked around the park looking for two familiar faces, with no luck. Apparently him and his wife looked for them all this years... more than 20, my husband is 29 years old... go figure.
Conclusion this past weekend was a very good weekend for us... They were very loving, they cried and hugged a lot... my husband's heart has healed his father's absence, and now he is very excited to make up for all that time. This Friday we will be driving up to Jacksonville, Fl to share with them. we are about 5 to 6 hours away, but we are very excited about this new family that has come to our life.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A little bit of everything...

The happiest moments of my life are when I see my 6month old baby's eyes light up and giggle of happiness everytime he sees his older brother walk in(or should i say jump in) to the room. It's the most unconditional love, the room is lit up with happiness and joy.
On another subject, next week is my birthday. I'll be 30, can't believe it. Don't have anything planned, since our finances aren't the best right now.
We also have family coming from overseas. Both of my grandmothers come back along with two aunts who were granted visas to visit us. We will have 2 months full of everyday activities; hey, we have to take our aunts out right? Please let us know best places to take them on road trips here in Florida!!! I'm pretty sure we'll take 2 days to one of the themed parks in Orlando... anything else, advices welcome.

I'm also trying to plan our finances (that means my house and my mom's house), I'm trying to work on Excell, but I'm pretty sure there should be an internet program that will help us plan our bills better. Please let me know if there is a good free program... Thank you!!!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Truck Day & Sharing

Saturday was truck day at a local park, they had first aid trucks, construction trucks, school busses, all sort of fun trucks... it's the kids dream so we took the boys there. I must admit, mu husband became one of the many children there...

One more thing is that I need my boy to learn how to share. Everytime someone comes to our house he fights over his toys... does not like to share at all. He even gets the toys that are not even his and says 'mine' and dont share at all... Please help!!! How can I teach him?????

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Interior Designers

Today saturday, we're just resting while the kids are asleep. We are planning on decorating their room tomorro. We bought blue and orange paint. Orange sheets for their new bunk beds, and I will buy cushion covers with those colors, rug and lightning fixtures will be next. Our mission to have our kids room decorated in a fun children's friendly way. I hope we can make a good role as interior designers for children room... For sure we'll make an excellent job for trying our best designers for our son's room.
About my boys... They are wonderful, beautiful, very smart, very lovely... the little one will be 5 months old on the 22nd. He weighted 19 pounds for his 4 months wells check up... very chuby and smiley, Doctor said I should be very proud of my only breastfed baby decision; I am. She said I could start him on solids, like fruits first, but it wasn't necessary... that breastmilk was most important.
The big boy is the sweetest kid there is in this world. He is very caring for others, his vocabulary is expanding magnificiantly. I am very lucky to have them as my children.