Sunday, January 18, 2009

My boys are growing, so big and intelligent.
They play and interact more and more by the days... but still the fights are winning. Although My 31/2 year old doesn't share at all with his younger sibbling, he still shows a lot of affection to him.. hugs and kisses the 16 month old at all times.
The other day they started to walk upstairs to take a shower, when I heard a bum bum... then I started running and screamed, are you OK? Gio went, yes mommy, I fell. When I got there, Gio was on the next to last stair on the floor holding very tight to his little brother's arm who was two stairs bellow him on the floor as well and smiling. He said proudly "Look, GianCarlo fell too, but I got him" So cute, and protective!!
Yesterday morning I took them out for breakfast at this Colombian bakery. He was requesting the food he wanted. As I was backing up he noticed the sign on the window and started reading.... "Look mami, it says O-P-E-N Buy food here!!!!"