Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Truck Day & Sharing

Saturday was truck day at a local park, they had first aid trucks, construction trucks, school busses, all sort of fun trucks... it's the kids dream so we took the boys there. I must admit, mu husband became one of the many children there...

One more thing is that I need my boy to learn how to share. Everytime someone comes to our house he fights over his toys... does not like to share at all. He even gets the toys that are not even his and says 'mine' and dont share at all... Please help!!! How can I teach him?????


girlfiend said...

I gave up on sharing. Instead we focus on taking turns- that way he knows he's getting it back.

Unknown said...

Girlfriend gave a good suggestion. If you keep at him, it will come!

Gina said...

sounds good!!! I even recall all those sesame street lessons about taking turns.