Friday, August 03, 2007

Scheduled C-Section... Debating date

I had a Doctor's appointment yesterday. He told me, according to the due date, which is Sept 5th, they'll program the cesarean two weeks before, which will be on Aug 22nd. They'll do an ultrasound a day before to make sure the baby's lungs are mature enough; if not, then they will re-schedule for the following week Aug 29th. We come from a very close family, my lovely sister will turn QUINCE on Aug 23rd. Our Quinces is like the Sweet Sixteen, is one of the most important birthdays of a young girl, turning into adulthood. My parents and I have been making plans for her QUINCES all year long.
Yesterday when I told my parents my conversation with the doctor, they all mentioned about trying to schedule for Aug 29th, that way the whole family could be together for her Quince's; Otherwise they will be all celebrating, and me on the Hospital all alone. I've been forced to stay out of some family gatherings because of this pregnancy thing... I don't want to be left out this time. Two years ago was our cousin's Quinces, The whole family traveled to Colombia except me, I was on my days to deliver the kid. Luckily they all made it back three days before the big day. Right now they are all back in Colombia for a family vacation to an island, is about 50 members of our family out there vacationing.
Should I talk to the Doctor about waiting one week anyways? That will probably increase the chances that I can deliver naturally. I would like to try that, but I definately don't want to wait until after September 1st. Is all because of this school calendar thing. I know three kids who are behind one year because their birthdays are a few days after September.
This I'm debating right now. My last ultrasound (last Friday) came out really nice, the baby is doing perfect, despite of my Gestational Diabetes, he has a normal size, 5lbs 6oz so far. We're still debating for his name... suggestions needed!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am the queen of inductions so I am biased. I have had to be induced with both so don't know of any other way. Personally, I would do it before the school year. It would be a serious downer to have to wait an entire other year.

Of course, this is assuming the baby continues to develop wonderfully!