we're about 10 days from his 2nd Bday, the kid is almost potty trained.
He tells me chi chi (spanish version of pi pi or pee pee?). well, he has his routine already... sits on the toilet, looking at the tank; The aiming is perfect. Besides he was afraid from the potty training little toilet thing. Anyways, he sits, starts peing inmediately, then looks at the toilet paper and says "papel", so i give him some, then he says "flush" so I look at him and he confirms "flush da toidaa" so I say, "Yes, flush the toilet". then he waves good bye to the water...and says "boob boy" his version to the good boy thing.
This has been happening for the past two weeks, every day, every half an hour. As long as he is w/ me, because daddy is too lazy to keep his training going, it's easier for him to keep him on pampers.
What i thought was funny, yesterday while watching tv, in the middle of the living room he started pooping. I noticed when the whole thing fell on the floor, I thought that the caca part was included in the training??? guess not? How will i traine for that part? then the night will be another two weeks training episode...